“The Reclaimed” the story behind the photographic series.

“The Reclaimed” is a series of images that examines how nature can take over the ugly side of human nature and make it beautiful. Each image in the series uses an object that represents different parts of the ugly side of human nature: knife and gun violence, war, alcoholism, drug use, prisons/refugee/concentration camps, illegal hunting, smoking, and social media. The images were designed to show the viewer, nature reclaiming the objects and turning them into a beautiful new creation. The beauty of these images was created by combining perspective, set design and lighting. This series is the culmination of themes explored in other works I have created and is a fitting end to my under graduate studies. I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I enjoyed creating them. Gerard Voysey.

Images: 1. “Innocence reclaimed”, 2. “Explosion of life”, 3. “Nature reloaded”, 4. “Break free”, 5. “Jaws of life”, 6. “Reborn from broke pieces”, 7. “Injection of new life”, 8. “Breath of life”, 9. “Controller controlled”, 10. “Once man’s, now nature’s”.

One thought on ““The Reclaimed” the story behind the photographic series.

  1. Great images for what they are
    Would like to see some of your basic images re. Landscape, people, nature etc.
    A portfolio of your other works would give the veiwer a sense of your capabilities.
    Good luck 😀

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